Sunday 13 April 2008


INFIDELS as the MAHDI i feel it is my duty to expose the fraud perputrated against you by evil men, in the olden days a holy warrior would only fight another warrior, these charletans killing unarmed non combatants are suffering from a delusion if they think they are going anywhere except hell. why kill you now when in sixty years europe will be ours simply by outbreeding you. why do you let godless men sign away your freedom to a unknown power without protest?, they have common purpose in your schools, your media and everywhere else telling you what to think, where are all the christian crusaders?.

HOLY WARRIORS, i have the mark and the space between the teeth as passed down from my lord muhammed peace and blessings be upon him whose sword and standard are encased in istanbul for important men to see. WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?, who decides other than ALLAH who is important and who is not?, is that the men who order you to kill innocent civilians in his name?, you vote for the fat and the corrupt who lied to start war in the holy lands and then kill the innocent who had no say in such matters?, my lord was a open book his house open to ALL men unbelievers included,"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and reason with them in the best manners possible" Holy Quran (Sura Al-Nahl 16, Ayah 125)

you feel the need to reason with people who have invited and made you welcome and allowed you to worship ALLAH in there lands and would threaten, kill and rape them in his name using wartime versus to justify your crimes?, you think a real christian who dont want any reward in this life and lives poorly is a threat to you?, and they put woman in his holy places and gay people and make laws to make him try to accept this, then i say you wish to make slaves out of slaves to become slaves yourself.